This is a production blog for an animated short film being produced at the Sheridan College by a bunch of students in their third year. The film is based on the premise of "The Tooth Fairy Revolt," an original synopsis by Holley Smirnov. We will be posting concept work, inspirations, and our general finds and progress to this blog. We hope you enjoy the ride!
Want to email the Tooth Fairy? Drop me a line at
- Layout/2nd Story
- Alan Cook
- Animation/2nd Music
- Andre Suh
- Cleanup/2nd Design
- Eduardo Avenir
- Design/2nd Animation
- Gabe Lopez
- Music/2nd Layout
- Ian Roach
- Post Prod./2nd Painting
- Ji-Hye Kim
- Painting/2nd Post Prod.
- Jody Todoschuk
- Story/2nd Cleanup
- Nonna Medvedyeva
- Animation (1)
- Character Design (6)
- Concept Art (33)
- Humour (1)
- Inspiration (10)
- Layout (2)
- Storyboards (6)
GREAT blog!!
Paco K.
I think someone in 4th year has the whole "5 legged? 7 legged?" spider concept covered.
Maybe a moth with only one wing could work instead?
anyways, don't wanna be a jerk or anything but yeah...might not want to go in that direction.
I like the mantis, it looks very funny.
COOL character design, they are fun!
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